Story Time.with Dara!

Created by ditzidara 12 years ago
It's kind of sad that this is my only memory that I remember clearly of Peter, but I don't mind because it's a good one :) I remember how every time mummy would make dinner or even leave the room Peter would be so upset, as though the only person who was constantly there had left him, I remember how he hated being in the room by himself... I hated seeing him upset. So I thought I would do something about it. Everytime Mummy left I would go into his room and sit with him, but we always did the same, the same book time and time again.It's strange now that I look back on it, kind of silly how I would read a full story to my brother who couldn't even speak a word, but for some reason I don't think I'll ever know how but I knew he understood me. Even though I myself was just a child I could see it in his eyes that he understood me and that he was glad that someone was just there, not because they had to be for medicine or for fixing his feeding pump, but because they really wanted to spend time with him. I remember everytime I would stop reading and get up to go he would kick and shout with this huge grin on his face knowing that I wouldn't leave.. and I'm glad I didn't. From you sister Dara! xxx
