Our beautiful daughters!

Created by Orla 12 years ago
Many times people have said " I dont know how you open your eyes in the morning" or "I dont know how you put your feet out of bed because If it it happened to me I couldnt!" Well these are the three reasons, along with their Dad! Our daughters have been through a tough time and still found the strength and personal beauty to come out the other side. I have no doubt that Peter guides them and always will. They are all very beautiful with a quirky sense of humour and each one of them very different. They still look very alike and every day I see a different little bit of their brother in them! Its lovely when they sit chatting about Peter, their memories, the things that have stayed with them. It must have been so very hard to have their lives' turned upside down the way it was...but they made it part of their life and coped to the best of their ability. They truly are inspirational. They are growing up very quick and maybe one day they will become mummy's too... when they can use that very precious lesson in "unconditional love" Thank you girls! xxx-x
